Cadbury Freddo Caramel 19.5g
Regular price Sale price +s7104874119227sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? s7104874119227sproductTemplatesp.compareAtPrice : ''" i-amphtml-binding> £0 +s7104874119227sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price on-sale' : 'product-single__price'" itemprop="price" content="0.4" [hidden]="!s7104874119227sproductTemplates.a" hidden [text]="s7104874119227sproductTemplates.a ? s7104874119227sproductTemplatesp.price : ''" i-amphtml-binding> £0.40
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Born in the 1990's, I'm a hip frog full of real milk and caramel. If you're looking for a frog with a fun characeter- Freddo's the name!